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English Reading – Lesson 2

English Reading - Lesson 2

My First Day at the Hospital

Below are 20 questions about the hospital environment for Grade 1 learners to enhance your reading ability. Before you answer the questions, read the following passages

When I arrived at the hospital, I was a little scared, but I saw many people there to help. The first person I met was the receptionist, who smiled and asked how she could help me. Then, I saw nurses and doctors walking around, taking care of patients. Nurses help the doctors and take care of people who are sick. They are very kind and wear special clothes called scrubs. I also saw a paramedic who drives the ambulance and brings people to the hospital quickly. In the hospital, there is a place called the pharmacy where people get their medicine. If someone needs an X-ray, they go to a special area called radiology.

Inside the hospital, there are many rooms for different purposes. There is a big room where surgeries happen, called the operating room. Patients who need to stay overnight sleep in the ward. If you have a broken bone, you go to the emergency room. I also saw a janitor cleaning the hospital to keep it nice and clean. When I felt scared, the doctor used a stethoscope to listen to my heartbeat, which made me feel better. There is even a cafeteria where you can buy snacks and drinks. The hospital can be a busy place, but everyone has a job to do, and they all work together to help people feel better. The eye doctor checks your eyes to make sure they are healthy. Babies are born in the maternity ward. If you ever feel sick at the hospital, always tell a nurse or doctor so they can help you right away. You might wear a wristband with your name on it. Remember to be quiet and respectful when visiting someone in the hospital.


Who takes care of sick people in a hospital?

  • A. Teacher
  • B. Doctor
  • C. Farmer
  • D. Chef
  1. What do you call the place where you get medicine in a hospital?
    • A. Classroom
    • B. Library
    • C. Pharmacy
    • D. Kitchen
  2. Where do you go if you need an X-ray?
    • A. Playroom
    • B. Garden
    • C. Radiology
    • D. Cafeteria
  3. Who helps the doctor and takes care of patients?
    • A. Baker
    • B. Nurse
    • C. Driver
    • D. Pilot
  4. What is the room called where patients stay overnight?
    • A. Office
    • B. Ward
    • C. Gym
    • D. Store
  5. What do you call the bed that can be moved around in the hospital?
    • A. Couch
    • B. Stretcher
    • C. Chair
    • D. Table
  6. Who drives the ambulance?
    • A. Teacher
    • B. Paramedic
    • C. Chef
    • D. Farmer
  7. What do doctors use to listen to your heartbeat?
    • A. Microscope
    • B. Stethoscope
    • C. Telescope
    • D. Headphones
  8. Where do you go if you have a broken bone?
    • A. Grocery store
    • B. Emergency room
    • C. School
    • D. Restaurant
  9. Who cleans the hospital?
    • A. Chef
    • B. Pilot
    • C. Janitor
    • D. Farmer
  10. What do you call the room where surgeries happen?
    • A. Classroom
    • B. Living room
    • C. Operating room
    • D. Dining room
  11. What should you do when you visit someone in the hospital?
    • A. Be quiet and respectful
    • B. Run and shout
    • C. Sing loudly
    • D. Jump on the bed
  12. Where can you find information about a patient?
    • A. Recipe book
    • B. Storybook
    • C. Medical chart
    • D. Newspaper
  13. What do you call the place where babies are born in the hospital?
    • A. Library
    • B. Office
    • C. Maternity ward
    • D. Playground
  14. Who checks your eyes in the hospital?
    • A. Dentist
    • B. Eye doctor
    • C. Teacher
    • D. Pilot
  15. What do you call the small band that goes around your wrist in the hospital?
    • A. Necklace
    • B. Wristband
    • C. Belt
    • D. Bracelet
  16. Where can you buy snacks and drinks in the hospital?
    • A. Classroom
    • B. Cafeteria
    • C. Library
    • D. Gym
  17. Who helps you when you arrive at the hospital?
    • A. Farmer
    • B. Chef
    • C. Receptionist
    • D. Pilot
  18. What do you call the special clothes doctors and nurses wear?
    • A. Pajamas
    • B. Scrubs
    • C. Uniform
    • D. Suit
  19. What should you do if you feel sick at the hospital?
    • A. Run outside
    • B. Tell a nurse or doctor
    • C. Hide
    • D. Play quietly

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