Course: 5Day Simplified English Grammar
Text lesson

Day 2: Parts of Speech


What Is Parts of Speech

In grammar, parts of speech are the categories that classify words based on their function and role within a sentence. These categories help us understand how words relate to one another and how they contribute to the overall structure and meaning of a sentence. There are traditionally eight parts of speech: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. Each part of speech serves a specific purpose in conveying meaning and organizing language.

The lesson objective will help you

  • Learn about the eight parts of speech, and
  • Understand their roles in sentences.

The lesson content covers nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections

1. Nouns:

    • Definition: Names a person, place, thing, or idea.
    • Examples: teacher, park, car, happiness.
    • Types: Common nouns, proper nouns, abstract nouns, concrete nouns.

Example: The teacher drove her car to Central Park and felt a sense of happiness.

  • Teacher (Common noun)
  • Car (Common noun)
  • Central Park (Proper noun)
  • Happiness (Abstract noun)


2. Pronouns:

    • Definition: Replaces a noun to avoid repetition.
    • Examples: he, she, it, they, them.
    • Types: Personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, relative pronouns.

Example Sentence: She gave her book to him because it was his favorite.

  • She (Personal pronoun)
  • Her (Possessive pronoun)
  • Him (Personal pronoun)
  • It (Personal pronoun)
  • His (Possessive pronoun)


3. Verbs:

    • Definition: Shows an action or state of being.
    • Examples: run, jump, be, think.
    • Types: Action verbs, linking verbs, auxiliary verbs.


  1. Action Verb: She runs every morning.
  2. Linking Verb: He is a talented musician.
  3. Auxiliary Verb: They have finished their homework.


4. Adjectives:

    • Definition: Describes or modifies a noun.
    • Examples: tall, blue, fast, beautiful.
    • Usage: Can answer questions like “What kind?”, “How many?”, “Which one?”


  1. She lives in a tall building. (What kind?)
  2. He wore a blue shirt. (Which one?)
  3. The fast car won the race. (What kind?)


5. Adverbs:

    • Definition: Describes or modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb.
    • Examples: quickly, very, well, softly.
    • Usage: Can answer questions like “How?”, “When?”, “Where?”, “To what extent?”


  1. She ran quickly to catch the bus. (How?)
  2. The movie was very interesting. (To what extent?)
  3. He sings well in front of an audience. (How?)


6. Prepositions:

    • Definition: Shows the relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and another word in the sentence.
    • Examples: in, on, at, by, with.
    • Common prepositional phrases: in the park, on the table.


  1. The cat is on the roof.
  2. She sat by the window.
  3. We met at the coffee shop.


7. Conjunctions:

    • Definition: Connects words, phrases, or clauses.
    • Examples: and, but, because, although.
    • Types: Coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions.


  1. She wanted to go for a walk, but it started raining. (Coordinating conjunction)
  2. I stayed home because I was feeling sick. (Subordinating conjunction)
  3. Either you finish your homework, or you can’t go out. (Correlative conjunctions)


8. Interjections:

    • Definition: Expresses emotion or exclamation.
    • Examples: wow, ouch, hey, oh.
    • Usage: Often stand alone or are followed by an exclamation point.


  1. Wow, that was amazing!
  2. Ouch, that hurt!
  3. Hey, wait for me!


Now your quiz below

  1. Identify the noun in the sentence: “The apple is red.”
  2. Choose the correct pronoun for the sentence: “Maria loves ____ dog.”
  3. Identify the adjective in the sentence: “The sky is blue.”


Watch this Video from James on Parts of Speech

Video Credit: ENGLISH with James · engVid youtube



ENGLISH with James · engViAt the end of the entire course, you will take an assessment test to evaluate your communication in English grammar.