Course: 5Day Simplified English Grammar
Text lesson

Day 5: Common Grammar Mistakes


Common Grammar Mistakes 

Errors are frequently made in writing or speaking the English language, such as incorrect verb tenses, subject-verb agreement issues, misplaced modifiers, and punctuation mistakes. These mistakes can confuse the reader and affect the clarity of communication. Rest assured, we are going to make it simple.

What is the lesson objective for this final section? You will be able to:

  • Identify and correct common grammar mistakes.
  • Review key concepts from previous lessons.

Lesson Content:

  • Common Mistakes:

    • Subject-Verb Agreement:
      • Incorrect: She go to school.
      • Correct: She goes to school.
    • Misplaced Modifiers:
      • Incorrect: Only she loves him.
      • Correct: She only loves him.
    • Confusing Words:
      • Their/There/They’re:
        • Their: Possessive (e.g., Their house is big.)
        • There: Location (e.g., She is over there.)
        • They’re: Contraction of “they are” (e.g., They’re coming over.)
    • Run-on Sentences:
      • Incorrect: I love to write it is my favorite hobby.
      • Correct: I love to write. It is my favorite hobby.
    • Fragments:
      • Incorrect: Because I was tired.
      • Correct: I went to bed early because I was tired.
  • Review:

    • Sentence Structure: Subject + Predicate, Simple, Compound, Complex Sentences
    • Parts of Speech: Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Interjections
    • Tenses and Verb Forms: Present, Past, Future, Continuous, Perfect Tenses
    • Sentence Types and Punctuation: Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, Exclamatory, Period


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Video credit: English with Aga youtube