Course: 5Day Simplified English Grammar
Text lesson

Day 4: Sentence Types and Punctuation



Sentence Types and Punctuation

Sentence types encompass declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory forms, each serving a distinct communicative purpose. Punctuation, however, includes symbols like periods, question marks, and exclamation marks, used to clarify and structure written language. Understanding these elements enhances clear and effective communication.

Today’s Lesson Objectives help you:

  • Differentiate between declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences.
  • Understand basic punctuation rules.

Lesson Content:

Sentence types are important in English grammar. They are as follows:

1. Declarative Sentences:

  • Makes a statement.
  • Example: She likes music.
  • Further examples: He is a teacher. They are friends.

The sentence “She likes music” is considered a declarative sentence because it makes a statement. It presents information or expresses an idea without seeking an answer or giving a command. Declarative sentences typically end with a period and are the most common type of sentence used in communication. In this example, the speaker is simply stating a fact about someone’s preference for music without asking a question or giving a command.

2. Interrogative Sentences:

  • Interrogative Sentences” are questions that ask something.
  • Example: Do you like music?
  • Further examples: Where are you going? How was your day

“Do you like music?” or “Where are you going?” are used here to get information or start conversations by making the listener or reader respond. Here are some more examples:

  1. Are you coming to the party tonight?
  2. Did you finish your homework yet?
  3. Would you like some coffee?

3. Imperative Sentences:

  • Gives a command or request such as telling someone what to do.
  • Example: Listen to the music.
  • Further examples: Please sit down. Close the door.

Exclamatory Sentences:

    • Expresses strong emotion.
    • Example: What a great song!

Further examples: Wow, that was amazing! Oh no, I forgot my keys! These sentences in the examples are used to convey strong feelings or reactions in a lively and expressive way.

The following are examples of exclamation signs

  • Punctuation:

    • Period (.)
      • Ends a declarative sentence.
      • Example: She is a doctor.
    • Comma (,)
      • Separates items in a list, or clauses in a sentence.
      • Example: I bought apples, oranges, and bananas.
    • Question Mark (?)
      • Ends an interrogative sentence.
      • Example: Are you coming?
    • Exclamation Mark (!)
      • Ends an exclamatory sentence.
      • Example: Watch out!


  1. Identify the sentence type: “Can you help me?”
  2. Punctuate the sentence correctly: “Wow that was amazing”
  3. Choose the correct punctuation: “She said she would come”


Watch this video on exclamation

Video credit: Tiny Teaching Tube youtube

See you in the final lesson